I'm on the way to Italian consulate for picking up the visa.
She's sleeping at home.
She's gonna take her oral Italian exam today.
I'm sure that she will get a good result.
First of all, I wish you love, and that by loving you may also be loved. But if it’s not like that, be brief in forgetting And after you’ve forgotten, don’t keep anything. I wish that wouldn’t happen, but if it does and you forget, you could be a person without desperation. I also wish you may have a lot of friends, And even if they are bad and inconsequent, They should be brave and true And, at least one of them, should be completely reliable. But because life is the way it is, I also wish you may have enemies. Not many or too little, just in the right number So that you will have to question your own certainties and truths as well. And may there be among them at least one who is just and fair, So that you can never feel too secure in your ideas. I wish you may be useful but not irreplaceable And in your bad moments, When you have nothing else, That sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet. So equally, I wish you to be tolerant, Not with those that make little mistakes, ...
دلم رمیده لولیوشیست شورانگیز دروغ وعده و قتال وضع و رنگ آمیز فدای پیرهن چاک ماه رویان باد هزار جامه تقوا و خرقه پرهیز خیال خال تو با خود به خاک خواهم برد که تا ز خال تو خاکم شود عبیرآمیز فرشته عشق نداند که چیست ای ساقی بخواه جام و گلابی به خاک آدم ریز پیاله بر کفنم بند تا سحرگه حشر به می ز دل ببرم هول روز رستاخیز فقیر و خسته به درگاهت آمدم رحمی که جز ولای توام نیست هیچ دست آویز بیا که هاتف میخانه دوش با من گفت که در مقام رضا باش و از قضا مگریز میان عاشق و معشوق هیچ حائل نیست تو خود حجاب خودی حافظ از میان برخیز
She called an institution for emigration to Australia. The consulter told she that she cannot apply for the immigration progress. She has to take her B.sc. degree and after that the job experience can be count. I think we have to stop thinking about going to Australia as well. I promise, I will make a way. definitely
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