
Showing posts from October, 2011

چه مستيست ندانم که رو بما آورد

چه مستيست ندانم که رو بما آورد که بود ساقی و اين باده از کجا آورد تو نيز باده بچنگ آر و راه صحرا گير که مرغ نغمه سرا ساز خوش نوا آورد دلا چو غنچه شکايت ز کار بسته مکن که باد صبح نسيم گره گشا آورد رسيدن گل و نسرين بخير و خوبی باد بنفشه شاد و کش آمد، سمن صفا آورد صبا به خوش خبری هد هد سليمانست که مژده طرب از گلشن سبا آورد علاج ضعف دل ما از کرشمه ساقی است بر آر سر که طبيب آمد و دوا آورد مريد پير مغانم زمن مرنج، ای شيخ چرا که وعده تو کردی و او بجا آورد بتنگ چشمی آن ترک لشکری نازم که حمله بر من درويش يک قبا آورد فلک غلامی حافظ کنون بطوع کند که التجا بدر دولت شما آورد

Goofed up

Thermodynamics exam was a shit! I goofed up! I suppose I'm gonna take another exam!! I could even answer one problem! I don't know what the problem is! Is it me? my mind? my memory! Maybe I cannot study engineering courses! So why I'm wasting my time to study for Master degree! Can I get a PhD degree in Mechanics? I doubt!!!!!

Thermodynamics Exam

I'm getting ready for Thermodynamics exam. I'm gonna take this exam on this Monday! Hopefully I'll get a 20 out of 20 score. I'm studying hard for this exam. However it's a tough course I love it. Let's go for 20

had a blast last night

She and I had a blast last three days, We went to her house and we really had good time together. The weather was perfect then, on Monday we had breakfast and lunch at the beach, She had made a delicious lunch, Macaroni! It tested unforgettable.

چگونه استرس را از بين ببريم و كمي آرامش بيابيم

اول اینکه از استرسهایتان حرف بزنید   یک آدم صبور و دهن‌قرص، گیر بیاورید و کل بدبختی‌ها و جفتکهایی که از "الاغ زندگی" خورده‌اید را با او تقسیم کنید…   بازگو کردن مشکلات، وزن آنها را کم میکند… علاوه بر آن معمولا وقتی سفره دلتان را جلو کسی باز می‌کنید، اوهم سفره خودش را برایتان باز میکند و یحتمل می فهمید که شما در این دنیا، تنها آدم کتک خورده نیستید... و این یعنی آرامش.. دوم اینکه فقط به زمان حال فکر کنید:   گذشته‌تان و آینده‌تان را خیلی جدی نگیرید… اصلا پاپیچ خرابکاریها و کوتاهی‌هایی که در گذشته در حق خودتان کرده‌اید، نشوید.   همه همینطور بوده‌اند وانگشت فرو کردن در زخمهای قدیمی، هیچ فایده‌ای جز چرکی شدن آنها ندارد.   آینده را هم که رسما  به  حساب نیاورید.   ترس از حوادث و رخدادهای احتمالی، حماقت محض است.. فکر هر چیزی، از خود آن چیز معمولا سخت‌تر و دردناک‌تر است… سوم اینکه به خودتان استراحت بدهید:   حالامی‌گویم استراحت، یکهو فکرتان نرود به سمت یک ماه عشق و حال وسط سواحل هاوایی…! وسط همه گرفتاریها واسترسها و بدبختی‌هاتون...!!!...

The Secret Scrolls

The ancient Babylonians practiced a vital law that was the cause of their immense prosperity. They used the tithing law, which involves giving one-tenth of all money or riches that you receive. The tithing law says that you must give to receive, and the Babylonians knew that the practice of this law opens up the flow of abundance. If you are thinking, "I will give when I have enough money," then the tithing law says you will never have enough money, because you have to give first. Many of the wealthiest people on the planet tithed their way to wealth, and they have never stopped tithing!

The Secret Scrolls

People go through their whole lives chasing everything in the material world, and they fail to discover the greatest treasure of all, which is within them. Shut your eyes to the outside world. Direct your thoughts and words to the inside of you. The Master within you is the key to all the treasures in the world.

The Secret Scrolls

Your body is exactly like a movie projector, and the film running through the projector is all of your thoughts and feelings. Everything you see on the screen of your life is what has been projected from within you, and is what you have put into the film. By choosing higher thoughts and feelings you can change what you see on the screen at any time. You have complete control of what goes into your film!

My birthday present

She bought me a CASIO PRG-500 watch for my birthday. thank you my love. I really like it. However it was so expensive she got it! We found it in Bazaar! It was cheaper than Tajrish. We got it for 400 Tomans, but in Tajrish it was 475 Tomans.

Alireza's wedding party

He got married. We really had a good time in his wedding party. hope they will be successful couple. 

Steve Jobs Passed away
