
Showing posts from June, 2011

Let's Go Sharif University of Technology

I am totally ready for studying for the M.S entrance exam! hopefully I'll get a A grade in the exam. Just Sharif University of Technology

Fucking Islamic Revolution course

I'm gonna get damn Islamic Revolution exam tomorrow at 2pm! I hate this course. It's totally bullshit! I had to take this unit! It is mandatory for all Iranian students to take this two-unit course! Studying this book sucks! Anyway I hope I can get a good score. 17 out of 20 hopefully!!! I wish so! Sooner or later we will see the overthrow of Islamic republic government . PS: Thanks God, I got a 17 out of 20 score for this course. at least, the teacher was judicious!!

دمی با غم به سر بردن جهان یک سر نمی‌ارزد

حالم اصلا خوش نیست! خیلی احساس ناراحتی و افسردگی می کنم. طبق معمول این جور وقتها می رم سراغ حافظ  حافظ هم با این غزلی که برام گفت ترکوند. عاشقتم حافظ دمی با غم به سر بردن جهان یک سر نمی‌ارزد به می بفروش دلق ما کز این بهتر نمی‌ارزد به کوی می فروشانش به جامی بر نمی‌گیرند زهی سجاده تقوا که یک ساغر نمی‌ارزد رقیبم سرزنش‌ها کرد کز این به آب رخ برتاب چه افتاد این سر ما را که خاک در نمی‌ارزد شکوه تاج سلطانی که بیم جان در او درج است کلاهی دلکش است اما به ترک سر نمی‌ارزد چه آسان می‌نمود اول غم دریا به بوی سود غلط کردم که این طوفان به صد گوهر نمی‌ارزد تو را آن به که روی خود ز مشتاقان بپوشانی که شادی جهان گیری غم لشکر نمی‌ارزد چو حافظ در قناعت کوش و از دنیی دون بگذر که یک جو منت دونان دو صد من زر نمی‌ارزد

Bad Granny!!!

I went to grandpa's house today for studying fucking Islamic revolution! I arrived there about 9AM! I supposed that she is gonna be so nice to me for being there! I've heard something about her mannerism! but I didn't think so that it is that well correct! all the time she was talking about the young people studying for the final examinations! even she said if I want to go to the library it's better to get up early in the morning! it was a disaster! because I told her the library is so crowded so I'd rather study there instead! to draw a conclusion it is clear that she doesn't like me to be there and study there!! I'm so sorry for her! She's totally crazy! I don't like her at all!  

A lovely Place

The place that we met each other for the first time after university duration. The place that we felt in love! Pahne Hesar

The Secret Scrolls

You are receiving thousands of messages from the Universe every single day. Learn to become aware of this communication from the Universe, who is speaking to you and guiding you in every moment. There are no accidents and no coincidences. Every sign you notice, every word you hear spoken, every color, every scent, every sound, every event and situation is the Universe speaking to you, and you are the only one who knows their relevance to you, and what the communication is saying. Use your eyes to see! Use your ears to listen! Use all of your senses, because you are receiving communication through them all!

The Secret Scrolls

You are receiving thousands of messages from the Universe every single day. Learn to become aware of this communication from the Universe, who is speaking to you and guiding you in every moment. There are no accidents and no coincidences. Every sign you notice, every word you hear spoken, every color, every scent, every sound, every event and situation is the Universe speaking to you, and you are the only one who knows their relevance to you, and what the communication is saying. Use your eyes to see! Use your ears to listen! Use all of your senses, because you are receiving communication through them all!

The Secret Scrolls

You can limit yourself by the story you have created about you. Here are some simple examples of how the story we have created about ourselves can limit us: I am no good at math. I have never been able to dance. I am not a very good writer. I am very stubborn. I don't sleep well. I am very moody. I struggle with my weight. My English is not good. I am always late. I am not a very good driver. I can't see without my glasses. It is hard for me to make friends. Money seems to slip through my fingers. The moment you become aware of what you are saying, you can delete these things and rewrite your story!

The Secret Scrolls

There is no past or future for the law of attraction , only the present, so stop referring to your life in the past as very difficult, or full of hardship and pain, or in any other negative way. Remember that the law only operates in the present, so when you speak of your past life negatively the law is receiving your words and sending those things back to you NOW.

A Poem by Victor Hugo "I wish you"

First of all, I wish you love, and that by loving you may also be loved. But if it’s not like that, be brief in forgetting And after you’ve forgotten, don’t keep anything. I wish that wouldn’t happen, but if it does and you forget, you could be a person without desperation. I also wish you may have a lot of friends, And even if they are bad and inconsequent, They should be brave and true And, at least one of them, should be completely reliable. But because life is the way it is, I also wish you may have enemies. Not many or too little, just in the right number So that you will have to question your own certainties and truths as well. And may there be among them at least one who is just and fair, So that you can never feel too secure in your ideas. I wish you may be useful but not irreplaceable And in your bad moments, When you have nothing else, That sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet. So equally, I wish you to be tolerant, Not with those that make little mistakes, ...